Rocco Pezzella
- a journey into the pleasure of (re)creating reality -
June 6 - July 31
'Quid' was realized during winter 2013 and spring 2014, between Amsterdam and Todi, a small town in the Umbrian hills near Perugia (IT) where Rocco Pezzella was born in 1975.
To catch a glimpse of the making of these works, please check this short video teaser below
Rocco, also known as "Boghe", studied in Bologna and Perugia, worked in Milan, New York and Amsterdam, where he still lives.
It is difficult to relate his creations to specific styles or techniques, because they originate from experimenting and a multidisciplinary approach.
Analogue and digital tools alike are the foundation for the ways in which Rocco conceives to realize his visions.
Founder of the Hello, Savants! Collective and member of VSF, Rocco Pezzella is an independent artist and an advertising and new media director.
for details and availability please contact
Rocco Pezzella - spirits (2014)
Rocco Pezzella - sectio 101 (2014)
an overview of works from the show will follow soon - for details and availability please contact